Saturday, June 18, 2022

Internal Consistency

Internal consistency is indispensable for a teacher. Without it, the student will be left either deceived, confused, or ignorantly trapped in errors they are not aware of. Unfortunately, the gospel taught by almost all the churches today is not internally consistent. Consider the following:

Preachers say that the gospel is that salvation is by grace alone, and not by work. 

Preachers also say that in order to receive salvation you have to ask for it, or believe, or accept it. 

Some rather brazen pastors will go even further and say that in order to be saved one must first repent, then ask for/believe/receive/have faith in Christ. But here I want to just focus on the inconsistency in saying the following two things:

1) Salvation is by grace alone. 

2) In order to be saved, you must accept it/believe on/ask for it.

Notice that if you have to ask for/accept/believe in order to receive salvation, then you have to do something in order to be saved, and if you have to do something/anything in order to be saved, then you are saved by work! 

The false gospel taught by most churches today, is not internally consistent, be cause on the one hand it teaches the truth that salvation is by grace alone. But on the other hand it teaches the lie that you have to do work in order to be saved. You may search the Bible from the first page to the last, and you will not find one instance of it saying that you must do anything in order to receive salvation. But you will find that it clearly says that salvation is by grace alone, so that no man can boast (Ephesians 2.8-9). Which means that there is absolutely nothing you can do in order to receive salvation in return. You have it, not because of anything you did, but because of what Christ did (Ephesians 2.5-6)! You received it as a birthright. Indeed, every human is born saved, because what Christ did overrules what Adam did (Romans 5.18)!

That's the True, Everlasting, and Internally Consistent Gospel!