Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Law of Life

Here is a brief analogy to explain how the Remedy spoken of in the previous post is related to the Law of God.

The disease spoken of in the previous post is a virus that changes a person's very DNA (damaged DNA = the condition of being sinful) so that the cells begin to act differently/malfunction and eventually die. The differences in cell functions result in differences in how the various organs function, which in turn results in problematic behavior (sinful actions of the heart/mind and body) by the sick individual. The Antidote/Remedy spoken of in the previous post is a Living Agent that not only destroys the lethal virus, but also repairs the DNA structure and thereby allows for the cells and the person to return to healthy/normal functioning. 

So where is the Law of God in this scenario? Well, what is it that shows us what is out of order? The Law. We can't tell what is wrong without knowing what the Law demands and/or prohibits. Herein is one of the most beautiful aspects of the message of the Law of God and the Gospel of Righteousness. The Living Agent that destroys the deadly virus and makes reparative changes to the DNA, is the Law personified in the Person of Jesus Christ! Let me say that again. The Antidote, the Remedy is Christ, and He is the Law personified! Christ's very presence drives out sin; that's the killing of the deadly virus. His character/his law identifies the broken DNA. His power heals the DNA back to its proper state. So, when the Remedy (Christ) is delivered, the Law is delivered, because Christ's character is the Law. 

Now, when the Remedy is delivered it does its work in the man. And the man's DNA is repaired for him (Ezekiel 36.26-27). But this is done little by little. This is why we have the new birth, or blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear, that is, the "perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ (Ephesians 4.13)." The healing process takes time. 

Two more points before we stop; one very beautiful one, and one very sad one. First, notice that the restoring to perfect health is all performed by the Remedy. It is the Remedy that does all the fixing. And the fixing is done precisely according to the righteous requirements of his perfect law, his character. As the repairs are made, the man has greater and greater capacity to understand right behavior and greater and greater strength to do right. He didn't in any way earn these new abilities. They are the results of the Remedy working in him. His mind is more and more free from the madness it was trapped in by the disease, and his body is more and more able to perform properly. As he uses his freed will to make choices in agreement with the Remedy working in him, the Remedy's work advances. Sadly, even though, and because, his will is now freed from the slavery it was bound in, the healing process not yet being fully completed, the man may use his newly gained free moral agency to make choices in his thoughts that lead to actions in his body that are in direct opposition to the work of the Remedy. And this is why, and the only reason why, anyone will be lost on judgment day. "And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God (John 3.19-21)."

So how is the Law of God related to the Gospel of Righteousness? Well, Christ is the Law personified. And the Gospel of righteousness is that he has been secretly implanted into every human heart (Colossians 1.27), and he is writing his righteous Law, his character, on your "DNA," that is, your heart, your mind! Engraving it into your inner most parts. Fusing it into your very being, your soul. Working with the persistence, patience, love, mercy, kindness, gentleness, thoroughness, that only he is capable of. With every fiber of his being doing everything to heal you, to perfect you! Are you working in cooperation with his work in you?! Or, ..., I won't even say it. Please, agree with his work in you!

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